Directors of FireSuper 


The scheme is managed by FireSuper Trustee Limited. There are seven directors of the trustee, three appointed by FENZ, three appointed by the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union and an independent trustee director appointed by these six trustee directors.

Your trustee directors are: 

Denis Fitzmaurice  

Denis began his career with the Fire Service in 1980, having spent the previous five years in the banking industry. His Fire Service career involves 33 years as an operational Firefighter and Officer, with the  last five years seconded to a Black Watch role. He is a Life Member of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters  Union, and formerly served as South Island President and as a member of the National Committee. Currently he is the Chairman of the Trustee and has been a Board member since 2006.


Andrew Johnson 

Andrew Johnson joined the FireSuper Board on 1 April 2019 as the Licensed Independent Trustee. Andrew has extensive and broad investment and superannuation industry knowledge. He has held senior roles with a number of New Zealand’s leading financial services organisations, dating back to the 1980s. Over this time, Andrew has held various associations with FireSuper, including leading Russell Investments’ provision of investment consulting services to the Scheme for six years until mid-2018. Andrew also serves as an investment committee member for a number of entities, provides ongoing advisory services to a retail managed fund provider, and undertakes ad hoc consulting projects from time to time.  

Angela Hauk-Willis

Angela has been a Board member of the New Zealand Fire Service Commission and subsequently of Fire and Emergency New Zealand from 2011 to 2018, and brings experience in the establishment, operation, and governance of superannuation schemes. Angela is a former Deputy Secretary at Treasury.


Murray Coppersmith 

Murray worked at PwC for 34 years, including 24 years as a partner and has worked in New Zealand and overseas. During his career at PwC Murray’s responsibilities included a period on the Board of PwC New Zealand, as well as being lead partner of the Corporate Finance team and, more recently, of the Finance and Economics team. Murray brings experience  in governance, business valuation and financial evaluation.


Martin Dalgleish 

Martin had held board positions with NZL Group Limited, a large transport and logistics company, with the Skylight Trust, a charitable trust providing support to children, families, and whanau going through loss, trauma or grief. Martin is a partner in the law firm, Dentons  Kensington Swan, specialising in acquisitions, joint ventures, governance and strategic contracts. He has held positions on the board of the firm and as head of the firms’  Advisory practice.

Reuben Otto  

Reuben joined the New Zealand Fire Service in 2011 after completing a Bachelor of Business Studies at Massey University. Reuben was originally posted to Auckland where he worked for two years and is now stationed in Whangarei where he is a local committee member of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union. Reuben was appointed a Trustee Director by the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union in March 2021.

Ian Wright   

Ian joined the New Zealand Fire Service in 1987 in Wellington. He is currently Senior Station Officer on Blue Watch at Avalon fire station and is Executive Officer qualified. Ian has previously spent six years as a trustee of the Scheme as a Union appointee, and discontinued that appointment due to taking a years LWOP from NZFS. Ian has worked his way up through the New Zealand Professional Firefighter Unions’ ranks holding multiple local, regional and national positions culminating in being in his second term as the elected National President. Ian was reappointed to the FireSuper Board in March 2023.

The trustee appoints various professional companies to help it manage the scheme. For example, the trustee doesn't manage members' accounts, but has appointed a professional scheme administration manager to do that. Nor does the trustee make daily decisions about investment of your funds - they appoint investment managers to do that. The trustee may change professional companies from time to time. The names of the current professional companies appointed to assist the trustee directors are listed in the scheme's product disclosure statement and annual report.